Why is ventilation important? Come and join our Progressus / Food Chain Enterprises poultry ventilation training school to find out.

Birds perform best when they are in their ‘comfort’ zone.  Here, they can regulate body temperature, optimise feed intake and optimise energy use for growth and production.  Ventilation is the only way to ensure birds remain in, or close to their ‘comfort’ zone.  Ventilation provides fresh air, maintains air quality, removes moisture and helps control temperature.  If ventilation is not correct bird performance, feed efficiency and health, and ultimately economic performance will be affected. Ventilation is multifactorial and understanding, its role, what affects it and bird response is key to achieving good bird performance.

In December during 4-6, Progressus and Food Chain Enterprises will run our Farming ventilation course during 4-6 December

The course covers all aspects of managing ventilation.  Each module explores, in detail, the theory behind good ventilation practices and links them with bird physiology to help you manage ventilation more effectively no matter if you work with broilers or broiler breeders.

Attendees should finish this course with an excellent understanding of the theory and practical implementation of ventilation.

The knowledge gained on this course will enable attendees to implement changes as needed, to improve the bird’s environment and so its performance. Attendees will leave with a good knowledge of each of the three main ventilation stages, what they do and how they need to be managed for bird performance and welfare. 

Ventilation management will be linked back to bird physiology to give an in-depth understanding of the impact of ventilation on birds at every stage of the flock cycle.  The course will also take a unique look at new technologies and how these can be applied to ensure future sustainability during climatic change

For course registration and information please access thru https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc8-WnFRiBFUZlzzEKMdDgLfrxxxa9YW1BrKmBQr1D-Yuxe-g/viewform?usp=send_form

or contact us at agrischools@progressus.asia or WhatsApp +66613935776

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