Important Guidelines on Winter Management in Poultry

Winter season has great effect on poultry production by lowering the temperature of surrounding. During winter…

How to Correctly Load Incubators with Eggs from Different Flocks

By Fien Vanlerberghe -R&D project engineer– Petersime nv Incubators are ideally loaded with eggs fromone single…

Scientific Feeding of Buffalo for Improved Reproductive Performance

Ram Singh Bibyan, Pramod Kumar, Somesh Rameshrao Gaikwad, Shweta, Jannat Saini, Priyanka Patir and Prajakta Kailas…

Disabling Dysbiosis in its Attack on Chicken Performance and Profits

“Countering dysbiosis in chicken to avoid reduced and uneven growth rates across flocks, issues that can…

Managing Feed Cost with Exogenous Enzymes in a Volatile Market

In Brief The word ‘unprecedented’ is used liberally and often inappropriately.  However, the current macro-economic and…

Poultry Management for the Forthcoming Northeast Monsoon and Winter Season

Dr. R. Selvakkumar Ph.D., Professor and Head Department of Livestock Production Management Veterinary College and research…

Nitrogen Utilization

Most dietary protein is hydrolyzed and absorbed in the small intestine and foregut via endogenous enzymes…

Heat Tolerance Indices In Domestic Animals

 Ankita Rautela*, Richa Rautela, Pramod Singh Painkra Tolerance to heat stress is an adaptive process ensured…


Cattle have been coined “upcyclers” due to their ability to turn natural resources and by-products that…

Heat Stress in Poultry – Management and Prevention