ADDICOO GROUP s.r.o., with its proud 30-year tradition in animal feed additive production and presence on five continents, is pleased to announce the establishment of it is a new subsidiary, registered with the name of “Addicoo India Pvt Ltd” at its base head quarter Indore. Addicoo India Pvt. Ltd. After several years of cooperation with local distributors ADDICOO GROUP has decided to establish our branch in India. This significant step reflects our ongoing commitment to expansion and innovation. Addicoo India Pvt Ltd is managed by Dr Chitwan Kawatra who is positioned as CEO and Executive Director of the company. Addicoo India Pvt Ltd aims to establish its operations and offer its services to customers across India.

ADDICOO GROUP s.r.o. focuses on providing innovative solutions for modern and efficient animal production. Our strategy includes the use of active substances that reduce the excessive application of antimicrobials, improve animal health, and at the same time, do not harm the environment while enhancing the economic efficiency of animal production.
The cornerstone of our success lies in our Research & Development Department, which collaborates with universities, research institutes, and business partners around the globe. We systematically invest in research and development of new products each year, which helps us strengthen our competitiveness and market success. Our research is conducted not only in vitro and in experimental conditions but also in field conditions, allowing us to continuously improve our production knowledge and develop new products. Our production and related processes are certified according to the GMP+ standard.
Our goal is to improve the quality and safety of animal-origin food, enhance animal health, and reduce the impact on the environment. Within our portfolio, we develop and produce additives that increase productivity, improve livestock health, and eliminate unwanted substances in feed as mycotoxins and bacterial toxins.
The establishment of Addicoo India is a significant step in our mission to provide our customers globally with new, proven, and effective solutions. We look forward to cooperation with key feed and animal producers in India market.
In continuation of our constant knowledge enhancement activities, Addicoo India Pvt Ltd arranged a seminar for layer and breeder farmers of Rajasthan on 10th August 2024. Many leading poultry producers of the Ajmer area were invited for the seminar which was focused on improvement of production performance and immunity in layers and breeders by a responsible approach to GUT Health Management. Usage of Fortibac Powder and Liquid along with Fortisorb premium was discussed to achieve the desired performance in poultry.