USAPEEC and USPOULTRY Hold Ribbon-Cutting Ceremonies for New Office

TUCKER, Ga. – April 13, 2022 – The USA Poultry & Egg Export Council (USAPEEC) and U.S. Poultry & Egg Association (USPOULTRY) recently held individual ribbon-cutting ceremonies for their newly renovated office space in Tucker, Georgia. The space is owned by “The Coop Group, LLC,” a partnership of USAPEEC and USPOULTRY.

Said Jim Sumner, president of USAPEEC, “We are so pleased to call these fine offices our new home. Co-owning this marvelous building suits our needs now and helps to assure our future so that we can continue to serve the growing export needs of the U.S. poultry and egg industry. It is fitting that we were joined for the ribbon-cutting ceremony by members of the board of the Central American Poultry Export Quota, as USAPEEC’s share of the building’s construction costs was entirely financed through revenue generated by chicken export sales conducted under the Central American Free Trade Agreement.”

“It’s a pleasure utilizing our newly renovated space. Amongst other features, the building includes a 1,400 square foot training room with a built-in, internet-accessible AV system, supported by an 850 square foot pre-function space. Maximum seating is approximately 40 people,” said John Starkey, president of USPOULTRY. “Members are welcome to utilize this space for Atlanta area meetings. Please contact Mike Boyd,, for further information.”

USAPECC Photo Caption:

From left: Sana Makkani, USAPEEC; Eric Tietz, Interra; Violetta Gutierrez, DTB Associates; Agustin Martinez, AVES; Ernesto Baron, USAPEEC; Alfredo Velez, ANAPA; Juan Raudales, FEDAVIH; Nancy Haas, Waltkoch; Mateo Paz-Soldan, MPStrategies LLC; Juan Carlos Pazos, ANAVI; Fernando Espinoza; AVES; Jim Sumner, USAPEEC; Greg Tyler, USAPEEC; Graciela Ayala; FEDAVIH; Donald Tuckler Torres, ANAPA; and Mary Alice Cain, USAPEEC.

USPOULTRY Photo Caption:

From left, bottom row: USPOULTRY Executive Committee and USPOULTRY Foundation Board Members – Jonathan Cade, Hy-Line International; Greg Hinton, Rose Acre Farms; Mike Levengood, Perdue Farms; and Jarod Morrison, Farbest Foods. From left, second row: USPOULTRY Foundation Board Members – Jerry Moye, Sam Pardue, Dr. John Glisson, and John Starkey, USPOULTRY. From left, top row: USPOULTRY Staff – Steve Herring, Nath Morris, Gwen Venable, Barbara Jenkins, and Paul Bredwell.