Phileo by Lesaffre India organised seminar on “Novel postbiotics Safmannan to mitigate impact of heat stress & immune training in chicken “at Vivaan resort in Karnal on 28th April 2023. With launch of “Program Heat stress” app. It was a great successful event witnessing more than 90 stakes holders from Industry & enthusiastic interaction from various integrators, Consultant and feed millers from region.
The delegates were welcomed by Dr Vaibhav Khandagale, Business manager -ECA, Phileo by Lesaffre & introduced about Phileo by Lesaffre as group core strength, Know how, R & D facilities & services to Industry.

About Phileo by Lesaffre.
- Worlds’ s largest & oldest yeast producer in Globe.
- Lesaffre is celebrating 170 years of excellence in 2023.
- 600 RD Experts & 109 scientific publications
- 75 production sites throughout globe
- More than 10,000 strains of yeast (including world’s largest strain collection)
- probiotics and yeast fractions produced by Phileo cover in 1 year the equivalent of 1 out of 4
- milk & dairy & 1 out of 7 eggs produced in world.
- Offers 5 Product range including postbiotics -Safmannan, Patented bacterial probiotics -Microsaf, Yeast probiotics- Actisaf, Active ingredients -Selsaf & chromium.

Keynote speaker, Dr Alain RIGGI, DVM, Global species manager -Poultry @Phileo by Lesaffre addressed audience on safmannan -next gen postbiotic tool to mitigate impact of heat stress and immune training in Chicken. He further explained about impact of heat stress in broiler industry & different approaches which can be adopted to tackle heat stress solutions. Key highlights from his presentation are.
Safmannan can be one of the prominent tools to mitigate impact of heat stress as
- Safmannan can check LPS translocation happening during stress condition though preservation of tight Junction.
- Safmannan tool to reduce level of stress Hormones corticosterone & optimize level thyroid hormone.
- Safmannan a tool for immune training in birds checking mortalities happening due viral challenges, due to active content of B glucans in it.
- Safmannan- tool to check secondary bacterial infection happening after immunosuppression particularly E. coli & salmonella.

Session was followed by an interactive discussion and vote of thanks by Dr Vikas Shukla, Sales manager-North India, Phileo by Lesaffre for their enthusiastic participation by all the attendees and insightful presentations by Panellist.