Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (GADVASU) Ludhiana conducted its monthly seminar for Progressive Livestock Farmers Association (PLFA) on 18.05.2023. The theme of the meet was Summer Management of Dairy Animals. Dr Parminder Singh; Professor in the Directorate of Extension Education coordinated the meeting and informed that 57 dairy farmers attend the meeting. The ambient temperature has crossed 400 C degree, there is onset of summer stress and milk production is decreasing. Therefore, this seminar focus on management and nutritional needs during this hot and dry period.

Dr Suresh Kumar; Scientist working in the department of Livestock Production & Management talked about special practices during summer season to alleviate the effect of heat. He highlighted the space requirement of bovines, height and orientation of the shed. Housing design and shade material play an important role in the microclimate modification and reduction of radiant heat load inside the shed. Idle roof material should have low conductivity, light, durable, waterproof and economical. Since animal shed cannot be changed; at least roof modification can be done with polythene shade cloth, mud plastering, thatched asbestos roof, roof paints and solar panels etc. 4 to 60 C differences in temperature can be achieved by different ways. Now a day’s more focus is given to environment-resilient sheds.

Dr Jaspal Singh Hundal; Principal Scientist working in the department of Animal Nutrition delivered a talk on Scientific Silage Making. He asked the farmers to work out the details of silage requirement. He discussed about different types of pit and their sizes. He stressed upon the quality of fodder and its impaction. Good silage can be compressed up to 6-7 quintal per cubic meter. He informed the latest silage inoculants/additives which are used to increase the fermentation and to prevent spoilage. He discussed chemical standards of good silage in terms of dry matter, crude protein, pH, ADF/NDF and presence of butyric, propionic acids in the silage. All the precautions to open the pit were also discussed. He stressed upon the farmers to bring the samples of the silage in the university and gets its composition tested.

The seminar was sponsored by M/s Neospark Chemicals, Hyderabad. Mr Alok Sharma Regional Manager and Dr Luv Ahuja Technical Manager discussed about the products of the company. They informed about features and benefits of their silage inoculants. Mr Sandeep Randhawa; President PLFA spoke about the activities of PLFA especially during 2nd Sarkar Kisan Milni. He handed over charted of demands on behalf of dairy farmers of the State to Mr Kuldip Singh Dhaliwal; Hon’able Agriculture Minister of Punjab in presence of Mr Lal Jit Singh Bhullar; Animal Husbandry Minister and Dr Inderjeet Singh; worthy Vice Chancellor of GADVASU.