Effect of a blend of essential oils on dairy cows milk performance, efficiency and methane emissions.

G Forgeard*1, A Lemesle1, Q Bulcke2, PH Pomport2, Y Python2;

1Techna France Nutrition, Couëron, France, 2Experimental Farm AgroParisTech, Thiverval-Grignon, France


Energy efficiency in ruminant is critical to insure optimal performances and profitability. It is important to formulate diet according to the animal needs and secure the quality of energy.

Modulation of rumen fermentation with specific natural active ingredient can participate to improve digestibility and energy efficiency. Among them, essential oils are known to modify rumen microbial activity including the possibility of enhancing or inhibiting specific microbial populations to optimize carbohydrate fermentations (Calsamiglia & al.,2007; Bodas & al., 2012). Different scientific publication has also shown the potential of essentials oils and other natural active ingredients to improve performances in ruminant (Calsamiglia & al, 2021).


The objectives of this experimental design were to determine the effect of feeding a blend of essential oils (Elensis, Techna) to dairy cows on performances and methane emission.


The trial was carried out in AgroParisTech Research Centre (France) from July to October 2020 for a 12 weeks period.

2 similar groups of 18 cows Prim ‘Holstein were formed according to their parity, days in milk, milk production, fat and protein content, live weight.

All the cows received a complete diet (6,8 NeL (0,97 UFL), 15,8% CP, 27 % starch + sugar) based on corn silage, alfalfa silage, corn cob silage, rapeseed meal, beet pulp, concentrate and minerals

The treatment group received the blend of essential oil of the diet.

At the same time, in another experimental design, 6 cows were split in two groups to measure methane emissions in a 2*2 Latin square protocol to measure CH4 (with SF6 technic). Methane was measured during 5 days after an adaptation period of 3 weeks.

Statistical analysis: Mixed model with SAS Software


Bodas, R., Prieto, N., García-González, R., Andrés S., Giráldez, F.J., López, S., 2012. Manipulation of rumen fermentation and methane production with plant secondary metabolites. Anim. Feed Sci. Techno. l. 176, 78 93.

Calsamiglia, S., Busquet, M., Cardozo, P.W., Castillejos, L., Ferret, A., 2007. Essential oils as modifiers of rumen microbial fermentation. J. Dairy Sci. 90, 2580 2595.

Calsamiglia, S., Rodriguez-Prado, M., Fernandez-Turren, G., Castillejos, L., 2021. Current Status and Future Prospective of the Use of Plant Bioactive Compounds in Dairy and Beef Cattle. J. Animal Science 99, 132.

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