AREVIN FINE CHEMICALS INDIA PVT LTD. organized a technical Seminar on BIOSECURITY and its importance in controlling viral and bacterial outbreaks in Poultry along with managing the Avian Influenza Challenges at Hotel Cove, Panchkula on December 9, 2023.
Dr. K Jayaraman was the Chief Guest &Key Speaker. The seminar was attended by some renowned poultry consultants and layer farmers from across Barwala region. Mr.Gajendra Payyavula, Managing Director, AREVIN FINE CHEMICALS INDIA PVT LTD was also present in the seminar.
Speaking on the occasion, Mr.AK SEHAJPAL, Business Head-Poultry, AREVIN FINE CHEMICALS INDIA PVT LTDwelcomed all the guests and informed the audience that AREVIN FINE CHEMICALS INDIA PVT LTDis a privately owned international trading and distribution company with a GMP manufacturing facility for Innovative Fumigation Products, FeedConcentrates & Premixes for Poultry, Dairy and Aqua segment.
ARVIN specializes in Bio – Security solutions, Sanitizers and Disinfectants, Probiotics, Vitamin Feed Premixes and Mycotoxin Binders. Mr. AK SEHAJPALspoke about two biosecurity products viz FUMISURE ® 4Xand CEKOCIDE ™ and informed the audience that
FUMISURE ® 4X is a state of the art Innovative Product containing Paraformaldehyde 96% meant for 100% Terminal Disinfection which is a single-use Use Product& extremely easy to operate. Each unit of FUMISURE4X can disinfect up to 4000 Cubic Feet / 113 Cubic Metres.
CEKOCIDE ™ is a DEFRA APPROVED All Purpose Disinfectant imported from the United Kingdom that is highly effective against Virus, Bacteria, Fungi, Yeasts and Molds. It contains Potassiumperoxy-mono sulfate as an oxidising agent with organic acids, inorganic buffer, surfactants and odour.
CEKOCIDE ™ is DEFRA approved against New Castle disease, Avian Influenza, Gumboro, HPV, Avian Influenza and Foot and Mouth Disease. CEKOCIDE ™ cleans and disinfects in a Single Operation and is 100% biodegradable.
After this brief introduction, Dr. K Jayaraman was invited to present his findings and he spoke in detail about the importance of adopting biosecurity protocols and how it helps in controlling various viral and bacterial outbreaks in poultry including how fumigation and disinfectants play an important role in biosecurity.
This was followed by Question & Answer session during which the queries of the audience were duly answered by Dr. K Jayaraman to their satisfaction. Least but not the last, Mr. AK SEHAJPAL, Business Head-Poultry, ARVIN FINE CHEMICALS INDIA PVT LTD thanked all the participants and assured to take such type of technical seminars that help to enrich our farmers in terms of knowledge to keep various diseases at bay.