Dr. Surnar T.U.
(Mvsc Scholar Dept. Animal Nutrition, PGIVAS, AKOLA, MAFSU, NAGPUR). E-mail ID- surnartukaram01@gmail.com Mob No-8766493490
INTRODUCTION: – By-pass fat is a dietary fat, which resists lipolysis and bio- hydrogenation in rumen-by-rumen microorganisms, but gets digested in lower digestive tract, which is also known as bypass fat or rumen protected fat or inert fat. Now-a-days special attention of the Indian dairy farmer is to improve the production efficiency of cattle. Farmers strive to increase the efficiency of their feeding programs and here one important area of nutrition to focus on is fats. Rumen by- pass or ‘protected’ fats are dry fats that are processed to be easily mixed into animal feeds. Because dry fats naturally have high melting points, they are mostly insoluble at rumen temperature. Ration of the high producing animals contain 4-6% fat which includes fat from natural feed, oil seed and by-pass fat in equal proportions. It is well known that fat contains approximately 2 times more energy than carbohydrates and protein. As we all know high yielding dairy animal during the parturition loss huge amount of energy through milk, but the intake of nutrient which provide energy is reduced. Therefore, animals remain in negative energy balances. Which lead to loss of body weight, reduced milk production and reproductive performances. Thus, the supplementation of bypass fat improves milk fat and its composition along with reproductive performances and body condition of animals.
- Natural dietary rumen protected fat: oils seed– natural protection due to hard outer seed cover (e.g. cottonseed and full fat soya)
- Hydrogenation of fat: Crystalline/ Periled Fatty acids (eg. Tallow) Made from saturated fat or hydrogenated fatty acids which has high melting point and solid at rumen temp.(39°C) and melts at above 50°C temp. so remain inert in the rumen and available for Digestion in small intestine.
- Formaldehyde treatment of oil seed: crushed oilseed are treated with formaldehyde 1.2g per 100g of fat in plastic bag for a week, which protected internal fatty acid of oilseed from lipolysis, bio-hydrogenation.
- calcium salt of long chain of fatty acid: RPF are fatty acids (FA) that are combined with calcium salts to form calcium salt of long chain of fatty acids and increase their availability in the small intestine by avoiding rumen fermentation. They are insoluble fats that remain insoluble at normal rumen pH. RPF that escape rumen fermentation are then used as an energy source when absorbed through the small intestine.
- Fusion method: Fatty acids heated with Ca (OH)2 in the presence of catalyst which produce a product called as a hard mass of calcium saponified salts.
Indigenous Method (Naik, 2013):
➤ 4 kg rice bran oil is heated in aluminium vessel
➤ Add 1.6 kg calcium hydroxide dissolved in 10litre of water
➤ Boil for 30minute without cover
➤ Filter through cloth
➤ Sun dried
Natural bypass fat:
1) Fish oil 2) canola oil 3) flaxseed oil 4) sunflower oil
Synthetic bypass fat:
1) Mega-lac (calcium salt of palmitic acid) 2) Energizer (calcium salts of fatty acid)
3) bypass fat100 (Hydrogenated soyabean oil)
1) Bypassing rumen biohydrogenation: Bypass fat which prevent Rumen microbes to convert dietary fatty acids into saturated fatty acids and reducing milk fat production. Due to which Bypass fat directly enters the small intestine, where it’s absorbed and transported to the mammary gland. Where, this absorbed fatty acids stimulate milk fat synthesis through:
– Increased acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) activity.
– Enhanced fatty acid uptake by mammary cells.
– Stimulation of lipogenic enzyme
Recommended daily feeding rate of bypass fat
Bypass fat can be supplemented to dairy animals by mixing with concentrate mixture as single or divided doses. In the ration of dairy animal for 15 days before and 90-150 days after calving.
Crossbreed cows: 100-150g per animal per day, Buffaloes: 150-200g per animal per day or @15-20g per kg milk production.
Bypass fat can also be incorporated in the feed of growing calves and lactating animals @ 1.5-2%, for increasing energy density of the feed.
Benefits of feeding bypass fat
- Ideal energy dense supplement for early lactating and advanced pregnant animals to overcome negative energy balance.
- supplementation of bypass fat in the diet of dairy animals, the milk yield increased by 5.5-24.0% (Mervat-Foda et al. 2009, Shelke and Thakur, 2011).
- Fulfils the nutrient requirements of high yielding animals.
- Reproductive performance can be enhanced because the animal can return to positive energy balance sooner which can affect follicle size, ovum fertility and progesterone levels.
- Decreases metabolic disorders such as ketosis, acidosis & milk fever.
- Increases productivity and productive life of animals.
- Feeding bypass fat does not hamper fibre digestion and always beneficial than feeding ghee or oil.
Milk fat-The milk fat increased by 0.41% and 0.45% supplementation of rumen protected fat to lactating animals (buffaloes)@100g/day/animal and @150g/day/animal, respectively.
Total solid fat-feeding of bypass fat to the dairy animal increases the total solid fat whereas, SNF, milk protein, milk lactose and mineral not differ significantly.
Supplementing ration of dairy animals with bypass fat enhances energy intake in early lactation which reduces the adverse effect of negative energy balance on lactation.
Harish Rohila, H. R., Chhikara, S. K., Sajjan Sihag, S. S., Deepak Dhiman, D. D., Ravi Kumar, R. K., Rakesh Kumar, R. K., & Vaquil Nagar, V. N. (2016). Effect of bypass fat supplementation on milk yield, milk fat, milk protein, solid not fat and total solid in lactating Murrah buffaloes.
Kumari, S., Kumar, D., Mandal, S. K., & Sahu, R. (2018). Effect of feeding bypass fat on milk yield, composition, efficiency of nutrients and economics in cross bred cow: A field trial. Int J Curr Microbial Appl Sci (Spp Issue), 7, 3095-3102.
Tyagi, N., Thakur, S.S. & Shelke, S.K. Effect of bypass fat supplementation on productive and reproductive performance in crossbred cows.