Numida BioCare Pvt Ltd, an Ahmedabad-based poultry pharmaceutical company, conducted the PROGRESSIVE PRODUCERS PROGRAM on GUT HEALTH & Water Management at the German Palace Hotel in Ahmedabad.
The guest speakers on behalf of Numida BioCare were Dr. Rais Rajpura, a renowned nutritionist in the Gujarat broiler and breeder segments, and a lecturer from AAU Anand. Dr. B.C. Dutta, a popular poultry expert consulting in India, Africa, Bangladesh, and Nepal with a specialty in broiler and breeder health management, also participated.
Dr. B.C. Dutta provided valuable information about TOXICITY AND pH Management in water and explained the usage of good acidifiers containing formic, butyric, propionic, and acetic acid combinations, including their usage at the time of vaccination. He also elaborated on the toxicity of water and feed and how a good liquid toxin binder (LIQUITOX) can make a significant difference.
On the other hand, Dr. Rais Rajpura emphasized the importance of feed sanitization with good acidifiers (Kemacid-P) and the usage of Oregano Oils (Orezin+) in broilers, breeders, and layers to avoid leaky gut problems on a regular basis.
The program was attended by 80 valuable poultry farmers and feed millers from across Gujarat.