- Wet droppings or chicken diarrhea are an early warning sign of intestinal distress that can provide a producer an invaluable insight into the overall gut health of their birds.
- Wet droppings are a sign that the gut is not able to work at full efficiency and feed conversion and thus profits are not where they could be.
- Determining the underlying cause of wet droppings can often be multi-factorial and complicated,
- Certain feed ingredients, particularly those high in Non-Starch Polysaccharides (NSP) such as Maize , Soya , Wheat, Rice Bran and unconventional carbohydrate sources are often associated with incidence of wetter and more viscous excreta as these components trap water and prevent it from being reabsorbed.
- For diets high in these feed ingredients, it is common practice to use commercially available NSP-degrading enzyme preparations.
- Improved digestion helps in control of wet droppings in layer and broilers.
- A combination of amylase , xylanase, protease , mannanase along with Phytase enzymes working together attack different poorly digestible portions of feed ingredients which increases energy available for growth and egg production.
- The addition of these enzymes to the diet in combination typically increases energy available to birds significantly in addition reducing wet litter .
- Since energy is the most expensive nutrient in the diet, the addition of amiylase , xylanase, protease , mannanase and phytase enzymes to poultry diets provides producers the opportunity to reduce feed costs by 200 Rs to 300 Rs for ton of feed according to feed ingredients used.
- Actual savings depends on feed ingredient prices with increased savings as feed ingredient prices increase.
- The use of feed enzymes in poultry feed allow producers to benefit from advances in enzyme technology in today’s competitive and challenging market.
- We can reformulate feeds adjusting 106 k cal / kg in corn diets and 115 k cal in mixed diets by adding Promaxyl -alpha and can reduce the feed cost while optimising meat and egg production in birds.
- In Broilers field trials proved that adding Promaxyl-alpha on top has significant improved FCR points by 5 to 6 based on feed formulation.
Dr V. Rajendra Prasad