Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Ludhiana conducted its monthly meeting with Progressive Livestock Farmer’s Association (PLFA®) on 8th August 2024 in its Silver Jubilee Auditorium at Ludhiana. Disclosing this, Dr Parminder Singh; Additional Director of Extension Education informed that 226 dairy farmers and women from all parts of Punjab attended the seminar. He stated that the calving season in most of the dairy farms is approaching so the present seminar was devoted to the most critical period in dairy animal’s life. In this context two special lectures were arranged and 1st lecture was delivered by Dr Navdeep Singh Ratta, Scientist working in the Directorate of Livestock Farm on the occurrence of major diseases during transitional period. He cautioned about major diseases like Dystocia, Torsion, Retention of Placenta (ROP) and Prolapse. He highlighted some dos and don’ts about these diseases. He advocated to take extra care of the animals during this period. Unbalanced feed can cause feotus to gain more weight and vice versa leading to dystocia. Over production of gas in rumen, high calcium intake can cause ROP. High leguminous fodders and aflatoxin also cause ROP. Low feed intake and lack of energy during calving leads to ketosis. Supplementation of propylene glycerol may help. Incidence of prolapse could be genetical. High fibre diet with improper calcium to phosphorus ratio cause prolapse. He reiterated that mastitis is a management problem. When certain management guidelines are ignored or wrongly performed may lead to acute or sub-acute mastitis. He explained the different treatment protocols and advised certain drugs of choice.

2nd expert lecture was on feeding during transitional period which was delivered by Dr Parminder Singh. He explained the difference of nutrient requirements between lactating, dry and transitional animals. Due to advance stage of pregnancy, the capacity to eat is drastically reduced. He advised the farmers to increase the frequency of feeding. He cautioned the farmers regarding the use of molasses, buffer, sodium bicarbonate etc. during dry period. He explained the concept of DCAD positive and negative, which may prevent milk fever & ROP. He also explained the use of micro ingredients like niacin, biotin, choline chloride, antioxidants in transitional diet. To increase the density of ration; by pass fat is important. He cautioned to use good quality by pass fat with proper fatty acid profile resulting high milk yield with more fat plus soft butter. He advised the farmers not to store transitional feed more than one month due to high fat content which may become rancid.

Mr. Parvinder Sagwal from M/s Nurture Organics spoke abo ut the dairy related products of his company. He emphasized to incorporate their company yeast namely Unicel AY. It contains 20 billion cell per gram and by using 50 g per 100 kg feed, the milk yield, milk fat are increased and animal starts consuming more dry matter intake thereby increasing more SNF of the milk. He also discussed about bypass fat namely Lucid having more long chain fatty acids than prevailing bypass fats in the market because of use of rice bran oil instead palm oil. He introduced some flavors, mold inhibitors and toxin binders of his company. He invited dairy farmers to visit the company’s stall at the forthcoming Pashu Palan Mela on 13th & 14th September.
Mr. Sandeep Singh Randhawa, President PLFA thanked the university authorities for providing the physical facilities and M/s Nurture Organics for sponsoring the meeting. He asked the dairy farmers to take the instructions back home of the two technical lectures delivered today. He hoped that every farm improves its management especially feeding to economize the milk cost. He advised the farmers not to rear jumbo animals meaning more than 700 kg as they feed more. He requested buffalo farmers to maintain proper record particularly breeding record. He discussed the activities of PLFA in recent past and praised the farmers for coming in large numbers. He announced the appointment of Mr. Sukhbir Singh, Mr. Chamkaur Singh, Mr. Sukhdip Singh and Mr. Harmeet Singh as President of Mansa, Sangrur, Moga & Fatehgarh Sahib districts respectively. Meeting ended with gala lunch.