The poultry industry is limping back to normalcy…
The raw material prices have stabilized and are low and also most of the feed additives are stable. The sensitive debate on GM crops still continues with a strong and divided opinion on whether one should go for or against it. Each side has its own arguments to support or defy the same. Alternative Raw Materials in India is an untapped Gold Mine waiting to be tapped. Several Indian organizations and even multinational nutrition companies can be used to the feed manufacturer’s and farmers’ advantage more favorably. The scientific and efficient use of Amino Acids and feed additives are still a far cry from the larger section of the farming community. Some select segments do talk of Alternative Raw Materials but long scope to actually implement it. While procurement of standard Raw Materials has stabilized in quality, it is the efficient sourcing of feed additives & high-quality premixes and enzymes that needs focus and immediate attention. Proper understanding and advice from professional nutritional formulators are a must.
The Indian economy in general is doing far better in the backdrop of failing neighbors and weak and unstable economies globally. China is struggling with the pandemic while most of the world claims to have overcome it. The hot summer in Europe, floods in Pakistan, economic collapse in Sri Lanka, the war in Ukraine with Russia, and the fallout of Grain & Gas supplies which is crippling the European economies dependent on it. The Pandemic, climate change, and pandemic are demolishing the erstwhile stable economies.
The above-average rains in India have also had a positive impact on the estimates for future output of Soya and Corn in a positive jump in yield. The poultry industry must gear up in streamlining at all levels such as quality sourcing; procurement planning, production efficiencies, and better marketing of their final production of egg and chicken. Developing our own local regional domestic market is the key to success. Companies must use media within Poultry Circles to educate farmers and educate them and also brainstorming sessions and create carefully weighed decisions that can positively influence the decision makers to maneuver the industry profitably.
The rise of religious fundamentalism in this era is a sad situation. The medieval era should be left as bygone. Humanity should be above religion as humanity unites and religious divides. Let religious belief remain personal to everyone and not be thrust upon someone forcefully. If religion is good, intelligent people will follow nature and wisdom rather than push them into it by fear, threat, freebies, and even under a sword.
India’s strength is rising steadily because of its Make in India – Atma Nirbhar Policy- most of the critical Defence & Armaments have given it extra respect in the international arena. Aircraft, missiles, aircraft carriers, guns, and ammunition have all leaped in quality and availability. It’s no more than easy to challenge India militarily. Besides developing local competence India has an enviable export market in Brahmos missiles and Tejas aircraft. For decades India was always dependent on several countries of the world for its fighting abilities. Now amazingly with the change in attitude and approach, there is a sea change in a positive direction. The impossible seems to have been made possible.
The challenge is when will our Poultry Industry align so that even the Poultry industry also makes strategic changes to make a similar turnaround?
When can we become an Atma Nirbhar Farmer?
We wish all our readers and their respective families A VERY HAPPY, PROSPEROUS AND SAFE DEEPAWALI.