Dr. S.K. Maini
GM (Technical) Vesper Group, Bengaluru.
The actual flock problems responsible for the in-efficiency, poor performance, variety of diseases and financial losses are never discussed in any of the conferences, meetings and the farmers get together’s.
Errors exist in all the area’s of the poultry farming sector, like receiving the chicks from the hatchery, brooding, feeding, nutrition, diseases, vaccines, bio-security, hygiene, sanitation, managing the employees and workers, and financial management.
Frequently changing policies of the ICAR , Govt. of India, with respect to the Poultry Farming Industry and the periodic restrictions imposed due to the lobbying by certain groups and persons have interfered in the prosperity and growth of this Industry. With hundred’s of Scientist and qualified personnel available, we have seen the failure of ICAR- CARI, and the Research Projects at various Universities to produce a world class Layer or a Broiler Breed for the Indian market till this day.
Manipulations and Corruption by the concerned Bureaucrats, Bankers, Central and State Govt. Officers, Manager’s and Staff of the Companies, Feed Plants, Hatchery Owners, Consultants/Advisors/Experts and Doctors, all have taken advantage of the farmers poor awareness and knowledge that has led to the present day situation.
All the Random Sample Test Farms for the testing of the performance of Layers and Broilers have been closed due to inefficient management and corrupt practices.
In short it is management of birds, men, materials and finances, unless all are properly and efficiently managed the results will be erratic leading to disaster .
Over the years, We have seen Pure-Line Breeding Farms, Grand Parent farms, Plus numerous Parent Stock Breeding Farms and Hatcheries closing down in India, due to the above given reasons and the owners, directors, senior veterinarians and management experts employed, who were either ignorant, egoistic, full of false prestige and sabotage in few cases or suffered due to a combination of all the above mentioned characters/reasons.
Some of the best Pure Line and Grand Parent Farms that closed down due to the above mentioned reasons, are listed below :
- Poona Pearls, (Sonali and Rupali layers, Samrath Broilers) Pune, Maharastra.
- Basik Breeders,(Shavers layers and Star Bro Broilers) Hyderabad.
- Bovns Poultry Breeders ( Bovans layers and HypecoBroiers) Hyderabad.
- DJ Group, (Delak Layer Breeders), Bengaluru, Karnataka.
- Kasila Farms Group (Hubbard Broilers) Hyderabad.
- Tarkeshwara Hatcheries, (AnakBroilers ), Nasik, Maharashtra.
- Tegel Breeders (Australian Broiler GP’s), Chennai, Tamil Nadu
- Essex Farms, (Hisex layers and Hybro Broilers GP’s) .
- Damaniya Group (Broiler Breeders GP’s), Ahmed Nagar, Maharashtra.
- De Souza Group, (Hubbard GP’s) Nasik, Maharashtra.
- Arbor Acres Farms, (AA GP’s), Pune, Maharashtra.
- BLV Hatcheries (Lohmann Broiler and Layers GP’s).
- CSR Farms, ( Ross Breeders Layers and Broiler GP’s), Gurgaon, Harayana,
- Rani Shaver Breeding Farms (Shaver Layer and Star Bro Broiler GP’s), New Delhi.
- CBR Group (Hyline Layers GP’s ), Hyderabad.
- India Poultry Farms, Bengaluru.
- Marshal Breeders ( Broiler Breeder GP’s).
- Government f India’s Random Sample Test Farms for the Layers and Broilers.
All the above mentioned breeds or type of birds were good and performed well under Indian weather conditions. However the Companies closed and perished due to the above mentioned reasons. While the birds were blamed for the losses due to non acclimatisation of the breeds to Indian Climatic Conditions, Diseases, Farms Management and Nutrition.
Poor flock management, erratic administration, lack of efforts on marketing front, poor vision, inefficient staff, financial irregularities, using sub-standard materials in feed and medicines, going for cheap alternatives, guess work and wrong diagnosis, misuse of antibiotics and vaccines, poor technical services and awareness of the farmers are some of the reasons for the poor past of the poultry farming industry, many of these are being carried forward till this day. We should be thankful to the birds and the farmers who contributed sufficiently to bring India to this position on the world map for eggs and broiler production, and solving the employment and nutritional requirement of crores of its population.